Want to know the secret to a healthy life? – It’s the Seafood.
Eat a lot of them, at least twice a week and you’ll live 2.2 years longer than people who do not. According to research from Harvard School of Public Health, consuming food like fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids improves the life expectancy.
Eating seafood regularly is more effective than taking vitamins and supplements. The best part is you don’t have to work much in adding them to your dinner list. Whether you want to zesty southwestern style fish or the delicious ginger-glazed salmon with charred broccoli, you can manage in less time.
Apart from the fact that they make a delightful treat, you’ll find they are low in calories, packed with proteins and nutrients. Making them a part of your healthy diet, you’ll get a lot of benefits and here’s the list.
Researchers have found that inflammation in arteries can develop into a source for cardiovascular diseases. For the reason, The American Heart Association has advised people with the history of heart diseases to consume food rich in omega-3 fatty acids. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and (docosahexaenoic acid) DHA found in omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties. Taking them on a regular basis, you can reduce the risk of stroke and other heart diseases.
Also, not all the types of seafood are rich in omega-3. You should go for fatty fish like tuna, Salmon, lake trout, herring, sardines, and mackerel.
Pro Tip: Deep frying or pay frying destroys omega-3 fats, so avoid that.
If you have been diagnosed with blood pressure or hypertension, then you can lower that condition naturally by consuming seafood.
Conventional medications would have some side-effects. However, supplementing yourself with fatty fish or fish oil will help you fight off the risk of blood pressure without medications.
Seafood is naturally nutrient-rich. Comparatively to meat and chicken, they make a good source of protein. Whether you find your delicacy from a peaceful freshwater or rushing ocean, your body will get a lot of healthy serving that will help you lead a better life.
Your body will receive all the essential nutrients required. Commonly, people living in colder parts hardly get sufficient sunlight and may have vitamin D deficiency. Consuming seafood you can make up for that loss and keep your bones and immune system healthy.
People aged 50 years or older often gets affected by age-related macular degeneration. Under this condition, the person can experience distorted vision or a complete vision loss over time.
Consuming salmon, trout, anchovies, or fresh tuna that are rich in docosahexaenoic acid, you can slow down the dry-eye syndrome and have a healthy vision for a long period of time.
Depression is not preventable; it can affect people of all ages. According to WHO, 300 million people around the world have depression. If you have anxiety disorders, then there are high chances you will suffer from depression and it can be vice versa.
If you are concerned that you may be suffering from either of these issues, you can approach professionals. In addition to that, you can make little changes to your food habits and manage things better. Studies have found that adding fish to your diet can help you ward-off the symptoms of depression.
Consider taking at least 2-3 servings each week for maximum benefit.