Urban living is a dream for many and research shows that city-dwellers are not exactly having a good time. They are developing stress and anxiety and you can blame it on their taxing work style, food habits, traffic, pollution, etc.
As per the 2018 reports from mentalhealth.org.uk that had a sample size of 4,619 respondents, in the past one year, 74% of people have felt so stressed they are unable to cope or have been overwhelmed. You cannot miss people living under stress or it might be possible that you are one among them. It’s impossible to eliminate stress from your life. However, you can manage the impact of stress on your life – you have to be active and that’s the only solution.
Increase your physical activities. I know this seems pretty impossible as generally, people will give a lot of absurd reasons not to sweat or hit the road. But the truth is you can enjoy a stress-free life if you exercise regularly.
Even experts recommend the same. According to them a minimum of a 30-minute walk is sufficient. You don’t have to buy a treadmill or invest hugely in a gym. Just wear your shoes and start walking. You can even do a 15-minute stairs workout without going out of your house.
Now start with these simple exercises and lead a healthy, stress-free life.
There are a lot of health benefits if you walk regularly. You’ll burn calories, improve heart health, and also reduce your stress and anxiety. When you walk, your body releases endorphins that are natural stress busters.
Walking also improves circulation in your body and brain, which lightens your mood and prepares you better for the day.
Do you have a pool at home? If not get yourself into local pool club in your area. Swimming involves coordinated movements and helps your body to release the natural stress-busting endorphin compounds.
Taking deep regular breathes, when you stretch and relax, your body will loosen up and you’ll feel mentally refreshed.
Muscle tightness is one of the causes of stress. Feeling stiff is not something people would wish to experience on a busy day. It’s normal they would feel more stressed, slowing down their speed.
Stretching is the best way to relieve your body of tension. You’ll find a lot of stretching exercises that are simple and less time-consuming. You need not buy any equipment; just follow some quick stretching workout that you feel comfortable and easy and relax from your stress.
If you live near mountains, you can go biking or hiking and lower your stress levels. Nothing can beat the benefits of spending time with nature. There will be no medications, and you’ll improve both your physical and mental health without any complications.
The more cravings you have for food, greater will be the calorie intake. To maintain your weight and stay fit, you need to burn calories. Engaging in physical activities or exercising regularly, you can keep a check on your weight and maintain a good health.
Normally, your body will have bad cholesterol if you have obesity. Exercising regularly, you can keep a check on your weight. In addition to that, the HDL levels or good cholesterol will increase in your body, reducing the risk of heart diseases.
Have you been diagnosed with osteoporosis? Or do you want to prevent it? Whatever may be your case, just exercise every day. It’s the best way to treat and prevent such bone conditions. Also, you will increase your bone density and keep them healthy for a long time.